Bugs & Bicycles

Taking the “creep” out of Creepy Crawlies and putting bicycles and micro-mobility in a new perspective.

Bugs & Bicycles is a growing collection of gouache paintings illustrating PNW bugs and other small creatures using different sustainable modes of transportation and engaging in fun activities in their community.

Why Bugs? Why Bikes?

There are many parallels with bugs and bicycles:

  • they seem to get squashed in our society, both physically and in terms of representation

  • if we make our cities better places for bugs or bicycles they will inevitably be safer, greener spaces for everyone

  • people seem to have a strong opinion on them, one way or another

Where can you find Printed Artworks, stickers, and more?

Local Markets Coming Up:

20th April - Page 42 Vendor Market

18th May - 33 Artist’s Market (Wonder Building)